Return on Investment Calculator

Project Fee

Enter your costs
Number of employees doing the task
Hourly employee rate, $
Hours per week processing the task
Hours per week processing errors, returns, etc.
Estimated productivity gain, %
Design and Implementation Fee, $
Pricing varies depending on project -
average cost for an implementation is $1000
Total business value realised
Employee cost
Time saved, hours
Cost savings from time saved
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Please keep me updated on how Digital Agility Group can make my company more successful.

Return on Investment Calculator

Automation Monthly Retainer Fee

Enter your costs
Number of employees doing the task
Hourly employee rate, $
Hours per week processing the task
Hours per week processing errors, returns, etc.
Estimated productivity gain, %
Automation Monthly Retainer Fee, $
Pricing varies depending on project -
average cost for an implementation is $1000
Total business value realised
Per month
Per year
Monthly employee cost
Time saved per month, hours
Cost savings from time saved
Monthly ROI
Annual employee cost
Time saved per year, hours
Cost savings from time saved
Annual ROI
Save for reference
Please keep me updated on how Digital Agility Group can make my company more successful.